Sunday, March 10, 2024

Quiet Week

This week we visited a new Tuesday Nighter member’s place.  We parked in a park and ride and walked about 80m to his place as the parking was quite scarce outside his place as the streets were very narrow and one side of the roads had yellow markings on them, to prohibit parking.  We had a very nice get together watching his US prototype trains run smoothly on the layout.  Afterwards we sat down and had a few cakes and tea and coffee and solved all the world's problems as we usually do.

Saturday I went to the Club for our monthly meeting.  I also got to see a very nice tri-bo 12mm QR electric running around the layout.  Although the centre bogie does not have wheels fitted.  You would not know this fact unless you got up close.  I do not know if fitting a centre bogie is a  future enhancement or the model is designed to only have a fake bogie there.  The motor for the bogies fits inside the bogies themselves and it is very small.  It was pulling a very suitable load around the Club layout. 

While I have my Kyogle station building sitting on the kitchen table, I have not looked at it all week.  Maybe the week after next when I am on holidays.  Although while I have some plans for my holidays – like pulling out all the plants and weeds down one side of the house, and potentially digging a hole in the back yard for some conduit, I know the boss also has some jobs teed up for me as well.

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