Sunday, June 11, 2023

Model Feedback

This week I thought I would jump back into doing some modelling.  Well not quite.  I did make a few Filing Cabinets and 3 cubic meter Industrial Bins last Sunday, but that was it.  During the week I attached the coupler release bar to my NOCY.  I also then painted it with a small mico-brush.

Friday afternoon, following work, I started to look at my flashing or more correctly a flickering street light code in my Arduino.  I tried two versions.  The first one, was OK.  The second version I found on the internet was brilliant.  So I think that version will be what I use in my Arduino for Barnicle Bob’s layout.  I might even have to deploy it on my layout in a location or two.  My only concern is that in an ideal world, this code should be merged with my other flickering code in the Arduino.  However, it does not really lend itself to be merged in with other code in the Arduino that handles other random lighting functions.  I will try and see if I can merge the code.  If I can it will be brilliant. 

Yesterday I had a club meeting to attend.  I missed the meeting the previous month.  I loaded up my half completed wagons and hit the road.  At the Club I sat with Laurie McLean MMR and for a good hour going over my 6 wagons that I plan to present for my NMRA Master Builder Cars AP certificate.  I learnt a hell of a lot.  I also wrote a list of about 90 items on a 'to do' list across the 6 wagons.  The same suggestions were present on most wagons.  So that is about the next 4 months that it will take me to complete this body of work.  I might need to take a week or two of holidays to knock this list off.

Today I did not do anything model railway related except look for photos that I thought I had on an old PC.  The answer was no.  Bugger!  I might need to put the call out online for some photos of a wagon similar to NSW NZBF 1036 but the blue version of that wagon, with the crew seating on top at one end.  I’m not sure if it was NZBF 1041 or NZBF 1047, or maybe a different number all together.  But I would appreciate a copy of any photos of this wagon.

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