Sunday, May 14, 2023

Catching Up

Friday the week before at about 11:00am I took my gear over to the Brisbane Model Railway Exhibition to setup.  I picked up Arthur on Saturday morning and took him to the Show.  Arthur was sitting next to on Saturday doing some modelling.  I purchased a few modelling items.  This included a magnifying visor, and some wagon gates.  During the day while sitting at the modelling desk with Arthur, I built some filing cabinets where the draws could open.

On Sunday morning I picked up Barnacle Bob and gave him a lift to the show.  Bob was my Sunday table mate.  He was doing some painting on some models and some scale people.  I purchased a few more items on Sunday and I got to have another look around the layouts and shops for some inspiration.

Model train shows are great events.  You get to catch up with all of your old mates you haven’t seen since the last exhibition.  You get to put a face to a name or to a person on Facebook or Blog Land.  It was a great event.  So during the weekend I got to catch up with lots of people.  I did a little modelling work, made some people smile and I had a ball.

On Sunday afternoon, I think we were first out of the shed.  We took out first load of stuff out to the pickup area across the road from the building.  I then set up Bob on a seat to act as a guard and watch over the stuff and then I made three more trips.  We were out of the hall by 4:15pm.  I then got the car, parked in the pickup area, loaded the car, loaded Bob and we were off at 4:20pm.  Everyone else was struggling to get their cars into the building, to pack up.

This week, I received an order from PK who visited me in at work between meetings.  It was some Kadee HO brake rigging sets and a packet of KDs.  I fitted one pair of KD brake rigging to one of my HO wagons, and then thought about 'how could I affix another pair of HO brake rigging to a 12mm wagon?'.  So I got the modelling knife out and cut about 4mm out from the middle of the rigging and then used styrene glue to glue the two pieces (less the 4mm in the centre) then back together again.  Almost a week later they seem to have glued back together fairly solidly.  I am yet to fit them to a 12mm bogie, but that is a job for a night next week.

Friday evening this week I was supposed to attend a modelling evening but I had a cold that was slowly getting better but I decided to not attend.  On Saturday though, I did attend the 50th operating session of Anthony Palmer’s Border District Layout.  This session was split between the morning session and afternoon session with a shared lunch in between.  I attended the afternoon session, and resumed operating Malcolm Jenkin’s trains as SAR#2 (the second roster for the South Australian Railway Driver of the layout).  I can only remember one incident being chastised (getting a bung) for not marshalling a branch line train correctly.  I did not see that one Dwf wagon was supposed to be marshalled behind the loco - according to the wagons cards as this was where the 'outofs' were being carried.  I had it as second wagon, behind another Dwf wagon.  Only the cruel overlord of layout operations (Anthony Palmer) would have picked that up, and I’m sure he was lurking ready to pounce once this train left the branchline terminus, and the train got to Border Junction where the 'outof' loading/unloading activity was to occur.

This was my first experience for about 3 years at operating this layout.  A few improvements have been made and it was a pleasure to operate and a great day with friends.

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