Sunday, March 9, 2025

Rain, Rain Go Away and FO

This week started off with warnings for the upcoming Tropical Cyclone.  It was in the back of our minds all week.  On Tuesday our Tuesday night crew visited Darren’s place for the first time since he moved.  He has a nice back yard and area for his new shed.  A great get together.  I was doing some more work on my HO QR HO wagon.  I did a bit of painting of the HO wagon and the underfloor and bogies.  It came up quite well, or so I thought until I put my glasses on.

We were very lucky that the TC when it tracked north of us.  But it was eerily quiet on the Friday with the sun out.  The cyclone was about 60-70 km from our place due east.  It eventually hit the north of Brisbane in the bay islands and then it stopped in its tracks for a whole day just south of Caloundra.  It was not very windy either, but we had a few gusts.  I did some touch up painting in the sun on Friday to my HO wagon to cover up where the first coat was a bit deficient.  Didn’t that weather change!  We have just had rain after rain after rain yesterday and today.  I’m OK and I ever flood, I’d just geta ticket on Noah’s new boat.  The whole world will be in trouble.

We survived the TC coming ashore.  From Saturday morning at about 9:53am, the power went out.  It eventually came back on at 1:33am today.  The Energex website showed a huge area without power and 1800 houses, covering our place.  But just after the sunset and the wife and son went to get dinner at Hungry Jacks, they noticed some street lights on and a couple of houses with lights and power in our street.  Our neighbours across the street and next store on one side had power.  We already knew that our house was on a different circuit to both those neighbours, but we thought that they didn’t have any power due to the map.  We eventually put some milk, butter and cheese in our next door neighbours in their fridge overnight.  They had no idea that the rest of the suburb didn’t have any power.  We were bored yesterday with nothing to do.  I had no decent light for the workbench so I did not do any modelling.  I played 500 with my son.

While talking to someone online earlier in the week, I noticed that I had not installed the various handrails on the front and rear doors of my QR 2050 railmotor.  So that was put on the modelling list.  I bent them up today and will trial fit them all tomorrow and paint them when it dries out a bit.

Today I also booked my trip down to the Rosehill Exhibition in October.  There are quite a few of us on the same plane going down and back.  We are all staying at the same motels as well.  While trying to pay for my plane ticket, I kept getting an error.  I had to back out and select a dearer ticket coming back.  Then my mate Darren posts in our group chat seconds before me that he is on a seat just in front of me on the plane and paid the cheaper price.  What a B…….  That was my cheap ticket he purchased.  Anyway, I can kick him on the flight home.

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