Sunday, April 7, 2024

Kyogle Station Building Progress

Well what has happened this week?  I painted my Kyogle Station building and it does look fairly reasonable.  Next I decided to repair my Kyogle platform, which has been sitting in position at Kyogle on the layout for quite a few years but the under platform structure has broken in about 6 pieces.  So I had to try and repair it.  I cut out a strip of styrene to be used as a sub-structure and bit by bit I glued the under-platform structure to the sub-structure.  As I went along, I straightened the posts, and fixed any broken framing bits.  Eventually everything was reassembled and again it looked fairly reasonable.  The next task was to paint it.  I used a grey and then weathered it with browns and reds to look a bit like rust.

The next phase was to create a platform top.  This was concrete and is a rather dark colour as well.  So I cut a piece of 2mm styrene to an approximate size and gave it a spray paint with some grey paint as well.  This was fitted to the platform base and the next step was to try and add some legs to my station building so it ended up at the correct height for the platform.  I used some 2mm square (0.080” x 0.080”) styrene and cut a number of these to length and then glued them to the base of the station building.  There were a few that dried to a shonky angle, so I removed them and re-glued them with some better support structure.    

I have also cleaned up under the Old Cassino baseboard for the installation of my railway Digests in storage boxes.  This involved cutting up some old baseboards from Cassino Mk 1 from inside the house.  Some old pine framing was unscrewed and added to my spare pile and some old foam and plaster was just thrown in the bin.  The old 3 ply baseboards were kept. 

Yesterday I went to The Border District for a working session.  I was working with Jeff and we were ballasting Nankiva.  We had a ball.  I used my ballasting method, with is filling up an old honey bottle with ballast and then adjusting the screw top to regulate the flow of ballast out onto the track.  We then go back and use a soft brush to spread out the poured ballast.  This method works pretty well.  I even had Jeff and our host Anthony using the method by the end of the day.  Anthony was working in a different area.

Today I have been having a bit of a tidy up inside the office and going through some old magazines and books looking for plans for a NSW signal box.  In my case the one from Kyogle.  That is my next building project.  I understand that Hawksmoor Models produced a kit that was very similar if not the exact copy of the Kyogle Signal box.  I was wondering if I could get a NSWGR plan for the signal box from somewhere as I want to find out the actual dimensions of this standard NSW building.  Being a big boy and on holidays, there is nothing better than to scratch build my own model if no kits are available.  I have a few photos, but it is a bit of a long trip to travel to Kyogle to measure up the signal box.  But you never know!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I have built the Hawksmoor Kit. I got it from Casula Hobbies, but it had no instructions. I was considering scratch building the signal box before getting hold of the kit and made some sketches with dimensions from an article published in AMRM by James McInerney. I have the sketch details I made if you are interested.

  3. I have also read the review and made notes. I do have a few photos that I have tried to scale. I did build the base box yesterday, but need to add doors, windows and roof. I have no idea if I have built it to scale.

  4. That would be wonderful, thanks
