Today I went to the "Brisbane Big Train Show" at the Mt Gravatt Showgrounds in Brisbane. It was organised by The Gauge One Gallery from NSW, to highlight garden railways. It had 4 layouts on display and the shop itself, with Adults being $2.50 and kids free, apparently numbers through the door on Friday night were good and Saturday was pretty good as well. They were also hoping for even better numbers today. I'm sure a lot of kids would have enjoyed seeing the big trains running. Two families from my son's soccer team reminded me about this show yesterday morning, as it had slipped my memory. My original notification came from two Tuesday Nighters - David and Raymond. When I got there today, Dave was on the door collecting money, while Raymond was working on one of the layouts exercising two of his live steam locos.
Friday, Saturday and Sunday this week, there was the LVR 32 Class loco running services from Casino to Kyogle and up to Loadstone Loop and return, a number of times each day. This was apparently to celebrate 100 years of passenger service between the two localities. I would have loved to go down to Casino and catch the train to capture photos of the scenery for my layout. But family activities prevented me from attending any of the days. I hope there is still another weekend of trips later this year - but with my luck there will not be.
So this week my modelling activities consisted primarily on continuing to Build Bridges. Thursday Night and Saturday I cut up the 0.060" styrene angle for the webs on my large through girders for the structure over the Upper Richmond River at Kyogle. Today after coming home from Mt Gravatt Show, and before heading out for Paige's birthday party at the bowling alley, I glued all the previously cut webs on. I then hit the girders with grey undercoat. This coming week I will commence holidays on Thursday. It is also schoool holidays so the kids will be home causing havoc with the boss. I may have to retire to the shed later in the week to avoid World War III. This week and this weekend, I plan to work on making a few drawings of and estimating the actual dimensions of the main bridge span. I will then check to see what sizes of styrene I need complete construction. As usual I will probably find out I am missing something after the shops close on Saturday arfternoon.
This week we travel back to Peter's place for our Tuesday Nighter's Meeting. It is always great to check out the detail on Peter's layout for some added inspiration. We will also get some goss from Darren, Geoff and PK about the Toowoomba Exhibition last weekend. I hear that our Club did themselves proud with a few bottles of wine between 5 of them on the first night back at the hotel.
2 weeks ago