Some of the layouts had some very nice scenes on display. Dagabar had the operating (pecking)chooks that I saw on display in one o fthe shops at the 2012 May Show in Brisbane. They looked so great. I plan to install one of these sets in at least one my farms in the future - either Baker's Farm or Fairy Hill Farm. Below are a few scenes from the Exhibition.
The chooks are on the right and a nice garden is on the left in the photo above.
Some new scooters with working front and rear lights coming down the road. A nice little park and a Police car racing to an incident with its lights on while a car with its headlights on is coming the other way.
The Logan District Model Railway Club had their dual gauge layout in attendance. There is a nice little creek scene up one end of the layout. I would like to have a scene like this on Cassino. I just love the creek.
Our Tuesday night mates, Geoff and Darren were also there doing some very nice modelling. Unfortunately I forgot to get a photo or two or three of there efforts. Geoff had his goods shed that will be placed on Splitter's Swamp Creek on display, while Darren was spending most of his time building a NSW G3 Goods platform and shed. Very nice work indeed. I might have to put an order in for some buildings for Cassino.
Things I didn’t mention in last weeks Blog, were that I received a package of Eureka BSV’s the previous Monday arvo. I brought a few packets to work on following Tuesday for PK and Greg. The package for Geoff, was delivered on Tuesday this week, and Darryl’s delivery was finally made yesterday at our Exhibition. I had trouble with mine running across the Upper Richmond River bridge – a section of track that I hand laid. The previous Wednesday was a Public Holiday in Brisbane and I test ran the wagons across the bridge. I even re-laid the track (actually re glued it). I thought I had fixed it. When ever I check the wheels on the Eureka Models wagons, I find that they are very tight compared to my standards gauge. So I widened the gauge on the wheels and all is now great. I also made a trip over to Jaycar and purchased some more wire. Last weekend I drilled holes for droppers from the track down to the track bus in the area around South Brisbane Interstate and Park Road Sidings. The droppers were all installed through the holes in the baseboard, but have not been soldered to either the track or to the track bus.
Last Sunday I climbed up a ladder and installed the holes for 4 point
motors for the throat into South Brisbane Interstate. Not that I have the point
motors yet, but I cut the holes required to mount them under the baseboard. Yesterday at our Exhibition, I picked up some bargain points and about 30 lengths of track so over the next few weekends I think I will be able to complete the track work in South Brisbane Interstate.
Thanks to everyone that attended the 2012 show, the exhibitors and the members of the public. I certainly had a great time and hope you all did as well.