Sunday, August 18, 2024

QR 2050 Class Railmotor Build Progress

So this week I did complete the last few light additions to Kyogle platform.  I re-flashed an Arduino and swapped out the one running the lights and the flickering of the ‘bad’ light resumed.  However, the Arduino that I swapped out, was placed on the layout track on the bottom deck at Lismore underneath where I was working on the next deck up at Kyogle and I saw it light up.  Whoops!  It must have conducted some power through the Arduino and now that Arduino is Kaput. 

So I received some plans for the 2000 and 2050 class QR railmotors early this week.  So after perusing these, they were put to good use.  I started scratch building a 2050 stub end railmotor – aka the intermediate car in 3 or 4 car sets.  The railmotor roof I started last weekend did not work out.  So I spent two days looking at the MK II roof.  I laminated a couple of sheets of styrene together and then used my burnishing wheel and shaped it to a reasonable likeness to my railmotor elliptical roof.  So the next step was to work out how to make the curved sheet steel fluted sides of the railmotor.  I found some appropriate styrene in my styrene box and started creating a styrene shell frame and then started putting everything together.  So far I have put everything together and I’m pretty happy with the result so far.  The next railmotor model I do will be better and I might have to work with my 3D designer mate Greg (Hint! Hint!) to see if he can print off all the windows along the railmotor in a single 3D sheet print.  One print for the front windows (in front of the front door), one print for the long middle section windows (between the doors) and a third print for the rear section (after the rear door) windows.  We will then need a set for the left hand side and another set for the right hand side of the railmotor.  Cutting out 12 windows for the middle section of the railmotor is excruciating slow and that is the worst job you can do in scratch building in styrene.  I just hate cutting out windows.  I might have to discuss this with Greg on Monday this week while on our Gympie trip.

On Wednesday this week Greg advised that he had 3D printed some sample Cassino awning brackets.  They look pretty damn good!  The order is in, and I will get them delivered on Monday this coming week.  Next week I think I might spend some time building some supports for a travelling crane for my Rocla Sleeper Siding.  That was why I had the photos up on the blog the week before.  Then I can start looking at building the Cassino Station building.

Yesterday afternoon and today I did more work on my 2050 class railmotor.  I am just putting together the finishing touches, like the skirt at the front and the underfloor detail.  I have no idea what type of motor I will use, but I would like to see if I can use a very small under floor motor.  I would like to see if I can actually make a working model of the throw over seats.  Well at least one – just a proof that it can be done.  Yesterday Kevin, Arthur and myself were chauffeured by PK down to the NMRA meeting at Jack’s place at Palm Beach.  It was a good turn up with about 30 people there.  It was a great meeting, with PK, Arthur and myself all presenting along with Dean.


  1. I'd love to see some progress photos of you scratchbuilding a 2000 series

  2. This weekend's update
