Sunday, March 13, 2022

Preparing a Presentation

Plenty on this week, but not much ‘Shed’ related.  On Friday we had a party in town to attend for a guy that we have worked with for about the last 13 years moving on.  That was really nice.  Yesterday was club meeting day.  I had some good conversations with the guy sat the Club.  But the most important thing to do this week was to pick up some sheets of Slaters Flemish Bond styrene sheet.  Well actually second most important.  The most important was to head over to my son’s school and attend his Year 12 Commissioning Ceremony starting at midday which followed by a light lunch for the parents and year 12s.  Then at 3:30pm we were back again at the school to attend an Academic Achievers afternoon tea for Semester 2 last year.  As I usually say, we had some $1000 muffins at this event.  So eventually by the end of the year, we will get our yearly school fees back in $1000 muffins.

The non-shed work I was doing this week was preparing a powerpoint presentation for next weekend’s NMRA meeting.  So that was started on maybe Wednesday evening this week, and it is now finished.  I spent plenty of time on it on Saturday evening and again this morning.  Hopefully it will go over quite well.  Who knows, if it does, it might get suggested to be put up for an upcoming NMRA-X presentation.

The other activity I started late this morning while watching some women’s Rugby League was starting to cut up about 80 tarpaulins.  There is another presentation next weekend at the NMRA meeting by Arthur Hayes, and I thought I might take some sheets of tarps along for members to make their own rolled up tarps after Arthur's talk. 

I have not been able to get motivated to put the new set of dual gauge points into Dutton Park this week.  Maybe next week.

This is the dual gauge set of points to replace the existing set at Dutton Park.  The straight route goes past Park Road Siding to South Brisbane Interstate, while the diverging route goes to Fisherman Islands.

These are the newly installed set of dual gauge points from last week that allows a standard gauge train on the main coming into Acacia Ridge Yard from the south on the standard gauge to go to the dual gauge track.

This is the dual gauge set of points that allows a standard gauge train to enter Rocklea Sidings.  The track in front of the points is the narrow gauge track into Rocklea Sidings.

This is the dual gauge points at the southern end of Acacia Ridge Yard.  I replaced the actuator bar with a piece of PC board.  The DPDT switch throws the points.

This is the outer end of Fisherman Islands yard.  The right hand dual gauge point replaced an old set and the left hand set, allows an additional narrow gauge siding in the yard.

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