Sunday, May 12, 2024

Weekly Hapenings with Pictures

This week started with a delivery from eBay for some more Arduinos.  My plan was to test a concept I had to gang up the common from two of my level crossing flashers to install an Arduino single Relay.  So I tested this on a some code that flashed two outputs, and wouldn’t you know it.  It worked!  So the alternating flashes, will hold the common ‘on’ so it can control a relay to lower the level crossing gates at a level crossing.  So that enhancement will be added to my level crossing circuit for future level crossing systems I sell.

On Friday I went over to Aurora Hobbies for a browse.  While there I ran into Gary Lamb from Western Australia.  We used to chat online while Wuiske had his whereby site operating.  With Yeerongpilly station out of action for its rebuild I gave Gary a lift to Yeronga Station so he could get to his next place on his travel itinerary for the day.

I went to the Club on Saturday and had a chat with a few people, as you do while at the Club.  I cooked the snags on the BBQ while someone cooked the onions.  The meeting was uneventful, but enlightening allowing members to understand what is going on inside the Club.  That is why we pay the executive the big bucks (haha) to run everything. 

I did see some really nice VJM wagons (I think) sitting in 12mm staging sidings at the Club.  One set was extremely well weathered by Mitch.  Another set was decaled, but not yet weathered.  They also looked very micky mouse.  Another item that took my interest was an area of scenery that has had a backdrop added.  It fits in very well.  I offered a couple of suggestions to really bring it up to spectacular.  I will work on a section of fencing that I will take to the Club next Sunday and see if I can splice it into the scene.

The 3D printed wagons all weathered up.

Once you blow this scene up, you see the koala fence in the background.

Adding a scratchbuilt fence to this scenery will look fantastic.

On my way home from the Club I stopped off at PK’s place.  You would not believe it, but his clothesline is real.  I had to take a picture to prove it.
The non-fictitious clothesline.

PK even exists as well.

This arvo I started to make a signal level frame for my Kyogle Signal Box.  I have cut about 16 lever slots in a section of curved styrene and I will add the levers tomorrow.  I found two staff machines that I have previously painted, so I just need to make a couple of chairs and table for also installing into the signal box.  The box still needs painting and the door and windows need to be fitted.

I have also just glued all my 3D printed people to a piece of balsa wood so I can undercoat them, and then paint them over the course of this week. 

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