Sunday, August 23, 2020

Pottering About - Adding More Detail

I had Friday off this week as a lead up to my birthday yesterday.  The Boss and I went to the shop and I had a very nice feed a Chinese for lunch.  I did get around to doing some modelling activities in the arvo.  During the week I received a post on my blog from Shelton wanting some speed signs made up.  I wanted to do a few more traffic signs myself, so I cut up some signs and glued them to some 0.010” styrene.  These were set aside to dry.  I got out some old fence posts from a storage container that I had previously made up.  These were made from 0.060” I beam and used to represent fence posts made from rail.  These are painted brown and five holes are drilled in them.  Normally I do not thread wire or cotton through them.  But this time I was going to install these right in front of Cassino station.  So I ensured that the pre-drilled holes, were in fact all well opened and clean of any burrs.  I also packed up a box of goodies to take to Darren’s for our Saturday get together to show off.  Things included were my Wifitrax WFD-40 plug and play wifi for the NCE system.  I also added some incinerators that I was to give to another member and lots of other detail items that I had.

We found out on Friday arvo that my son’s Saturday school soccer game start time was changed to start an hour later – Damn!  So now I could not attend that and still get to the NMRA meeting at Darren’s on time.  So I missed that game, and went to Darren’s.  But the NMRA Div 1 super rang up just before I was about to leave and advised that the NMRA meeting was cancelled due to the QLD Premier implementing a 10 person cap on home visits that morning.  No Soccer, no NMRA meeting!  But I still had to spend some time with my mate Darren to ensure that he was not depressed with the sudden cancellation of his meeting.  It was not a total loss from my point of view, as I sold 50 x 44 gallon drums to Darren for detailing his layout.  I also checked out some of the work he had been doing on the layout.  It just gets better.

When I got home I went down to the shed and did some work before taking my son to a late Club Soccer game.  The less said about that game the better.  A 10-0 loss under lights against the top team, that should be in the higher division.

Anyway, first thing I did today was cut up the various road signs that I made on Friday.  I then went down to the shed and just continued to potter around.  I added a few signs to various locations on the layout.

The last thing I did before lunch was to drill holes in the baseboard for the 9 fence posts made from 0.060” styrene I beam at the end of Canterbury Street.  I also filled a large pot with dirt and then added a small tree to it, for a topiary tree out the front of my house in Canterbury Street.

After lunch I decided to get around and thread some cotton through a small needle, and then threaded that needle through the 9 x fence posts for the 5 strands of wire in the fence.  This was then moved to the layout and superglued in place.  It looks very nice.

I decided to rip up the fence in front of my Canterbury Street house.  I realised after posting photos of it last week, that the pickets were on the wrong side of the fence.  So I ‘end for ended’ the fence.  I still need to reinstall some driveway gates, as these will now be wire and not styrene.  I also made up some fences for the house on the other side of the road.  So that was also installed.  It needs a nice front gate to be made up and doesn’t have any driveway gates.  I also realised last week that the house I had already modelled in Canterbury was missing a path from the front of the house to the front gate.  So that was added today out of bricks to represent paving.  I also added a path out the back to the shed and the clothes line.  Hey PK, do you know what one of those is?  During the week I also ordered up big from Joe at Casula.  A lot of Uneek and Kerroby items were ordered and delivered very quickly.  These will eventually make their way around the layout in the next few weeks.

Again a review of some photos of the house in Canterbury Street taken from the platform at Cassino, revealed that this house had a wooden fence behind the larger shed in the backyard.  So this was made up and painted two shaded of brown (one for each side), and when dry it was installed.  I also added some more green colourbond fencing on the far side of the house.  I still need to add some gutters to the large shed and some pipes into the water tank.  Maybe during the week if I finish early one day.  I also planted a few trees around the end of Canterbury Street and the house at the end of the street.  I then started installing fences backing onto the railway right of way out the back of the other house at the opposite side of the Street.  I also made up a few more lengths of colourbond type fencing for later use on other houses.  I will have to try and get some laser cut wooden fencing from Tristan made up.

1 comment:

  1. A close line - never heard of it mate - I figure its a line of some sort, but I haven't come across close'es before...
