Sunday, May 24, 2020

Too Cold to Model

Well this weekend I crawled out of bed on a cold Saturday morning and made my way over to Ray’s to pick up some strip styrene.  I availed myself to 9 packets and was still missing three others that I wanted.  So I happened to then visit George and he was missing the same three packets.  It is likely that I had previously cleaned out these sizes at both shops.  I could have visited Raymond, but did not want to disturb him and I will probably only have to wait one week, as I will try again next weekend.  There are some other packets I need to pick up to replenish my supplies and George is also getting a shipment in early this week.

When I got home, I could not get motivated to continue on with modelling the QR HO wagons I started last weekend.  So that activity will be put on the back burner until next weekend.

I did however, do a bit of work on a future article on Railway Operations for AMRM.  Today I continued along this theme and I also did some ground work today on what could be another 12 follow up subjects, if there is any interest following the first two articles.  Some of these subjects are quite simple and would likely be pretty small, but some of the others will be quite involved.

Last Tuesday a few of the Tuesday Nighters got together online and were joined by Marty.  He was on my back for another future presentation for the NMRA-X live streams in the future.  I had a think and I could actually do another presentation.  I’m not sure that the presentation will run for an hour, but may well do for 30 minutes and have some question and answers afterwards.  I have started putting together an initial PowerPoint presentation.  Actually the reason I tried to pick up some of the styrene packets on Saturday morning (4 packets actually) was because I was going to make something in and for my presentation and wanted to record a photo diary of construction in my presentation.  So that activity will also not be until next weekend at the earliest.

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