On the Saturday of this weekend I made my way up the Highway to The Workshops Rail
Museum, at Ipswich, as this was the weekend for their annual model railway
exhibition. Our Club was in attendance with their HO layout - Brendale and I
decided to lend a hand on the Saturday with the running. I took along my paper train
from my layout, along with a few locos and gave them a run, once in the morning, and once in the
afternoon. We had a good turn out of members to assist on Saturday, with US, UK
and Australian trains running throughout the day.
The layout with a US loco sitting in a siding.
At one time we had
three trains on on the inner loop chasing their tails. Isn’t DCC great for this
with three separate drivers, just slowly following the train in front at a safe distance.
One of the Tuesday Nighters – Lefty was caught watching a NSWGR train in
operation on Brendale. He denies it, but I have the photo as evidence. You can
just see the loco coming into view above his hand.
In attendance at the show, were a number of local manufacturers, like Peter
Boorman’s Workshop (who had his HO scale Gantry Crane on display),
I just love the model with all the detail. My scratchbuilt version runs a poor second to this.
Also there was Harold from Modratec with his signal frames.
These can be interlocked. Just brilliant.
Adam and Jade
from Wuiske Models with their new QR wagons. I saw seven packets of then on the
Logan layout <948>.
Quite a nice investment in this photo on the 12mm gauge.
Also there was Dean Bradley who was at the last
Armidale Convention and hopefully at the next one in 3 weeks time, the owner of
the showing off his weathering prowess. He had some very nice wagon and locos
on display.
I love this open wagon with its dents and rust.
I also would like a few of these banana wagons.
Can't you just smell these sheep?
This is how it is all donw with his range of pigments.
I was also quite impressed with the Oil Siding on the Logan Club’s layout.
A nice little scene here. I'll take two for Cassino!
A mild storm came through at about 4:00pm an hour before closing time and scared off all the visitors. It
was still raining as we made our way back to the car in the car park with all
our gear.
While at the show, I was putting out some feelers for some friends who scratch build their own points. I just wanted to know if they were eager to take on a challenge of scratch building some dual gauge points for me – again for my top deck. I need two so I can finish the running all the way from Acacia Ridge to South Brisbane. I think this task is beyond me at this point in time. I might be able to copy someone else’s point down the track, but I don’t think I can create one from scratch. I will eventually need 14 dual gauge points for Clapham Yard and Fisherman Island’s Yard.
I have a recollection that on Tuesday this week I was talking to a mate
David in my shed, advising him on how to install point control on his layout in
his shed. So planning is underway for the installation of an NCE Mini Panel, a number of local control panels and
quite a number of Digitrax DS64’s to throw the points. That mimics what I also need to complete the top
deck of my layout.
I am also trying to determine what I will enter into our Club's Christmas modelling competition. I have a couple of half complete projects, but I'm not sure if I can get any thing ready by then.
Next Sunday, we are holding a Club Open Day with a Buy and Sell from 11:00am. I will be selling some gear from one of our members. maybe I will see some of you there.