Sunday, May 30, 2010

More of the Same and Some Insane

This week I continued along the telegraph pole theme.  I super glued the bits of wire to steady the arms to about 5 poles.  Another 10 still left to do.  I hate this job.  In the mean time, I got stuck into another 30 poles. This time with two crossarms in stead of teh three arms that I did last week.  However, I have not added any insulators to these as yet.  I also got around to de-flashing the Ian Lindsay kit of 30 crossarms with 6 insulators per arm.  I painted the 30 crossarms a Bulldust colour.  I then touched up the 180 insulators with a white colour.  After doing this I attached 17 crossarms to some code 40 or 55 rail.  I'm not sure what code it actually was.  I found my last length of code 75 rail in the shed, and cut up another 13 posts.  The smaller code certainly looks better than the code 75.

I also cut up my remaining styrene to produce a few more Coil Steel Containers but ran out, so I made a trip to the hobby Shop on Saturday Morning after my Son's soccer game was cancelled, and guess what - they didn't have any either.  So later the afternoon, I went to the Silkwood Mauraders Shop and sure enough Raymond had my two sizes of styrene, so I bought them off him.  Did I mention that they now have a blog - look under "Silkwood Depot" in my list of non NSW blogs.

I have now made up one new complete container and partly assembled 3 others.  I have run out of the corrugated sides for the rest of the containers.  I'll just have to wait for it to arrive from OS.  I now have three different paint schemes on my containers.

Coil Steel Containers in the three colour schemes so far

While I had the stain out this weekend for all the telegraph poles and cross arms, I thought I might try and stain a tarpaulin or 10 that I had made out of the wife's tea bags.  I had previously folded a few tea bags up to resemble folded tarps to put inside a few wagons.  These kept unravelling so I am yet to decide if I will put some sort of rope tie around them to keep them folded.  However, after staining while in the folded position then have now retained their folded shape - so I don't really need the rope ound them.  So the question out there to those more knowledgable than me - Did they get tied up with rope when folded on a wagon?

 The work mat - single, double and triples arm poles, unassembled posts, unassembled cross arms and tarps along with a couple of coil steel containers

I also installed my 6 Coil Steel Cradles on two old Lima 2 wheel wagons I kitbashed many, many years ago now.  I cut off the standard Lima wheels and installed AR Kits bogies on them, permanently coupled them and in pairs and added KD's to the ends. I had to cut off lots of the old Lima wagon sides to make them resemble a generic NSW wagon.  I have two pairs of these wagon sets.

Two coil steel flats sitting on the old Lima wagons in Acacia Ridge Yard

The Tuesday Nighters are coming to my place this Tuesday, so I needed to vacuum the shed this afternoon as well as clean down the benches and the sink.  It has been quite some time since I have given the shed a vacuum.  So once finished vacuuming in the shed, I thought I might make a few little scenes come to life a bit more and give the guys a laugh or two or three.

We have the Fairy Hill Farmer caught in his outhouse.

We have also caught a lady out the back of the Fairy Hill Community Hall king use of the conveniences

Additionally it looks like PK was lucky in his endeavours to meet one of the young ladies from near Running Creek when he was out photographing wild birds - if you know what I mean!  It seems he was staying at Ron and Margaret's B&B off Fairy Lane.

Is that PK in through the window?


  1. Mr Mackie, you are such a funny man! Toilet humour at its best! As for PK getting lucky, you never know your luck in the big city. Could well be as the bloke doesn't have a beard! BTW did you know Preiser have a moving model of two lucky bods in exactly the same position?

  2. Craig, Great progress on the posts they do look good. Now I must confirm something. The mat on the table in the dining room, was the photo taken whilst you were home alone? I can't imagine Deb being too happy with outside and inside being part of the Mackie Railway Empire!
    See you Tuesday

  3. Geoff, Yes 'The Boss' was home. It gets carried in and out between meals. It is in the meals area when I'm modelling and stays on the Dining Room table when i'm not. This day the kids watched a couple of taped TV movies from the night before so I listened and did stuff at the same time.
